Joseph Glorioso, PhD

University of Pittsburgh
Year Funded:
Related Researcher Story:
Turning bad guys into good guys.
Antigenic stealthing of oHSV for systemic treatment of melanoma.
Significant strides have been made in the treatment of solid tumors using viruses designed to attack and kill tumors (Oncolytic Viruses: OV) following direct injection into a detectable tumor mass. Tumor cell killing releases tumor-related proteins capable of inducing anti-tumor immunity, potentially eliminating similar tumor masses throughout the body.
The first OV to achieve FDA approval is an oncolytic herpes simplex virus (oHSV) whose use in treatment of late-stage melanoma achieved a significant “cure” rate (~50%) when administered in combination with antibodies that enhance tumor rejection. Here we propose to create substantially improved oHSV vectors that will be extraordinarily safe (tumor targeted) and highly resistant to pre-existing anti-HSV immunity common in the human population. The advanced vector design will allow intravenous administration of a “heat-seeking missile” that targets metastatic cancer for destruction and consequently induces protective immunity against relapse.
Related Researcher Story:
Turning bad guys into good guys.
“A huge amount of progress is being made in fighting cancer with cell and gene therapies. I’m convinced we’re going to solve cancer with immune system solutions — just like we solved smallpox and polio with vaccines. Twenty-five years from now, I’m confident we will have an immune solution for most cancers.”